Design & 3D planning


As a specialist planner for leisure facilities, we have been successfully operating internationally since 1998 and were thus able to master many a complex project in cooperation with our network partners. The ideas of our customers paired with our experience and know-how let exciting and successful worlds of experience emerge again and again. Here it does not matter to us which country you are in or what type of property is available to you.

With our modern software "Pytha" we are able to construct, plan and visualize complete projects. In the future, our 3D animated projects can even be displayed using virtual reality. Our customers will then be able to virtually commit their future leisure object in advance. This opens up completely new presentation possibilities, especially in the area of material sampling, color design and lighting design.

After the development of the ideas and determination of the modules, the design and our 3D planning helps especially in the:

  • Planning of the object in cooperation with architects and fire protection office
  • Preparation of approval plans
  • Preparation of detailed plans and drawings for production and assembly
  • Creation and planning of the CI and the online platforms (website, social media)